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Ripcord iFly

Stephen and I did the Ripcord iFly whilst on a cruise ship in the middle of the ocean. If that wasn't weird enough, the experience was something I had never felt before.

I will preface this with saying it is nowhere near how you feel when actually skydiving. However, if you take the experience for what it is, it is great fun. Unfortunately we didn't get any photos of us with flabber lips but let's just say the suits made us look great!

You get a quick demonstration from the guide - who of course makes it look super easy - and then you're up! You fall into the opening of the tube and have to spread your body out to balance yourself against the upwind. It's a bizarre experience as you're constantly thinking about where your body parts are at the same time as trying not to look absolutely ridiculous! But it's also so fun and the feeling of being suspended in the air is truly unique.

We got this included as part of the cruise and if I'm honest, I'm not sure I would pay for it but if you're too scared to do a real sky dive, this is the next best thing!

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