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Gabler Bräu, Salzburg

I was determined to try as many Austrian dishes as possible however the day we visited Salzburg was a beautiful, blue sky, thirty degree day and the last thing I fancied was anything heavy (which is typically what Austrian food is all about).

But as I say, I was determined, so Stephen and I shared a kräftige rindsuppe mit kaspressknödel - beef broth with cheese dumpling. The broth was delicious but the dumpling didn't really taste of much and pretty much disintegrated in our mouths. I would try it again, but maybe try liver dumplings next time.

For mains, Stephen had a weiner schnitzel (surprise surprise) and I had their burrata salad. Both were fairly average.

For dessert we had the famous Salzburger knockerl which is basically a giant egg soufflé with a warm berry compote poured on top. It was ok but again, a bit tasteless. This wasn't worth it for the calories!

Would we go back? Probably not. But we enjoyed trying traditional Austrian dishes.

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