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The Winery, Queenstown

The Winery in Queenstown is one of the coolest places in the world that I have been to drink wine. I know that's a big statement and it's quite possible there are similar places in the world that have the same concept but I haven't been there yet!

The idea behind The Winery is that you can sample as many wines as you like. No one is judging here, try a couple, try two dozen. There are delicious cheese, meat and bread plates to ensure you don't get completely sozzled. The Winery brings some of the best wines in New Zealand to one place so if you are short on time, go to The Winery to sample New Zealand's best wines.

Now to the fun part. You are given a glass and a card that is linked to your credit card. Then you circle the room, sampling either a taste, half or full glass of wine, from an automated dispenser. If you have not seen the dispensers the closest I can describe the to is an automated shot pourer (or visit their website below to see them in action).

We spent the late afternoon and into the evening here sampling so many amazing wines, I would highly recommend The Winery for a small group of friends or a couple.

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