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Tscharke - Eva, 2016 Savagnin Frizzante

Good for: dessert

I think this wine would be beautiful with a sorbet or fresh berries. We drank it without any food and it was a little sweet. It doesn't have any visable bubbles but there is a definite sherbet fizz when it hits your mouth. I see this as a low key celebration wine, perfect for when you cook your significant other a beatuiful meal and didn't get to dessert so bought some sorbet or ice cream!

When we visited the Tscharke winery, the knowledgeable staff explained that Damien Tscharke made this frizzante for his wife, Eva. There is a beautiful poem on the back of the bottle from Damien to Eva:

Love Birds

A special wine fro you and me

To set our hearts racing free

Behold inside a real sensation

To show our love a true creation.

With each sip comes a kiss

And each kiss comes a bliss

I ask you Eva to drink with me

And share together the passion to be

Love Damien

P.S. It's sweet and delicious

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